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Unified School District
¶¶ÒôÒõapp High School Bleacher Upgrades
Construction Start Date: January 2014
Completion Date: June 2014
Architect: Waters MacRae Architects
Contractor: Multiple
Estimated Cost: $2,020,000
Project Manager:
Rick Kendrick: rkendrick@srvusd.net
Measure D included the replacement of both the home and visitor side bleachers at ¶¶ÒôÒõapp High School with seismic and ADA compliant new bleachers. The project included ADA pathway access, a new emergency vehicle road, and a new press box. The project was competed in summer 2014.

Timelines and Updates

July 2014Project completed.


June 2014: The home side bleachers were completed in time for graduation and the visitors’ side bleachers are nearing completion. The entire project will be done before football season. The project is under budget.