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Unified School District
Construction Start Date: January 2015
Completion Date: June 2015
Architect: Waters MacRae Architects
Contractor: Multiple
Estimated Cost: $1,676,800
Project Manager:
Rick Kendrick: rkendrick@srvusd.net
Measure D included a bleacher project at Monte Vista High School. The home side bleachers and press box were replaced to meet Division of State Architect structural and ADA compliance. This replacement increased the seating capacity by approximately 600. The stadium PA system was also replaced and new emergency lighting installed. The project also included new ADA paths and seating. The project began in mid-December 2015 and was completed for the 2015 graduation ceremonies.
June 2015: Project completed.

May 2015: Press box arrives at campus while construction of new bleachers nears completion.


April 2015: Construction progress continues on the bleachers.


March 2015: Foundation work expected to start this month.


January 2015: Bleacher demolition work at the site has begun.


December 2014: Construction fencing is installed. Demolition and bleacher fabrication are scheduled to start in January 2015.


November 2014: District facilities staff notifies neighbors of the upcoming project description and scope of work.