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Unified School District
The ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Unified School District Technology Department mission is:

The ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Unified School District Technology Department mission is:

  • To improve overall student learning and achievement across the curriculum by supporting ¶¶ÒôÒõapp and teachers with technological tools and methods, including data-driven lesson planning and decision making.
  • Enhance employee productivity.
  • Supply strategic technologies to solve school problems and improve communications between school and home



With ¶¶ÒôÒõapp at the heart of ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Unified School district, this technology plan is committed to serving all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to thrive, engage, and contribute (TEC) in a connected digital world. The plan has been thoughtfully crafted by a committee of SRVUSD ¶¶ÒôÒõapp, educators, parents and community members who met once a month throughout the 2016-17 school year to discuss the important role technology plays in the district's overall mission. The goals and objectives in the plan are aligned with the International Society for Technology in Education's (ISTE) standards and incorporate the passionate collective voices of ALL committee members. The purpose of the plan is to provide schools with a resource to empower all staff to make the pedagogical shifts needed to ensure all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp have access to the technological capabilities of the 21st century.

SRVUSD recognizes the importance of embedding technology in 21st century education, but more importantly, the district's primary mission is to serve all our ¶¶ÒôÒõapp and prepare them to flourish as responsible, ethical and productive citizens. SRVUSD has shown its commitment to fostering these important ideals by bringing digital citizenship education to the forefront of our technology program. Through the Digital Citizenship initiative, the district is committed to educating ¶¶ÒôÒõapp, staff, and the community on the effective, ethical and safe use of online and digital tools. Our efforts to promote digital citizenship are chronicled through a district-wide, public digital citizenship blog. In addition, all schools annually promote digital citizenship week and several schools have shown their unwavering pledge to digital citizenship education by becoming certified through Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization committed to providing digital citizenship curriculum to schools across the world. By the end of the 2017-2018 school year, the district's goal is to have all schools on their way to digital citizenship certification.

According to ISTE, "today’s ¶¶ÒôÒõapp must be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape. Zip codes and borders no longer determine the learning opportunities, skills and careers that ¶¶ÒôÒõapp can access." This is not a new concept for SRVUSD schools. We have shown a deep, ongoing commitment, spanning more than the past two decades, to providing a continuously improving educational program that embodies the idea that technology tools enhance curriculum and productivity in our schools. Through the tremendous support of community partnerships and parent involvement, schools have increasing access to high-functioning technology devices. In the 2016-17 school year, the district partnered with to help schools further build their technology inventories by offering a matching funds grant. Our efforts around professional development for both certificated and classified staff have also grown. As well, SRVUSD continues to develop as a robust, digital community by vetting and implementing tools which facilitate more efficient communication and internal workflow, support data-based instructional practice, offer learning management solutions, and follow best practices around data privacy and cybersecurity. We continuously strive to grow our capacity in providing all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp with engaging STEM activities, access to career technical education, and curriculum that fosters critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills required for success in college, career, and life. ¶¶ÒôÒõapp High School is our first site to implement a full 1:1 BYOD program where all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp have access to their own digital device.

Amazing work is being done at SRVUSD schools, but it is the district's commitment to ensure that educational programs are continuously being improved. This plan provides schools with a foundation to write their own technology plans exclusive to the needs of their school. The Appendix provides resources to assist schools with implementing the technology goals and the objectives under each goal are examples of ways staff and ¶¶ÒôÒõapp can reach the goal. We will continue to add relevant resources in the future. Both ¶¶ÒôÒõapp and staff will be responsible for achieving foundational technology skills to fully apply the goals in this plan. The reward will be educators who skillfully mentor and inspire ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to amplify learning with technology and challenge them to be agents of their own learning.

Category 1: Student Learning


Students will use a variety of digital tools to broaden perspectives and enrich learning by effectively collaborating with others locally and globally.

  • Students will demonstrate collaboration skills locally and globally utilizing technology. 
  • Students will use a variety of digital tools (apps, devices) to communicate complex ideas. 


Students will recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and will demonstrate their ability to act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

  • Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and demonstrate their ability to act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical. 


Students will understand how to evaluate and leverage a variety of Internet search engines and databases in order to guide independent inquiry and research that is valid and reliable.

  • Students will demonstrate information literacy by using a variety of databases. 
  • Students will be able to evaluate the validity of online resources including news sources and websites and will give credit appropriately. 
  • Students will learn that traditional literacies are evolving; new technologies require new literacy skills (blogging, social networking, podcasting, video-making, Twitter). 


Students will create and publish multimedia artifacts for an authentic audience.

1. Students will create and publish multimedia artifacts for an authentic audience. 


Students will continue to learn and computational skills and will independently troubleshoot and solve problems with creative solutions.

  • Students use basic computer skills for efficiency: keyboarding, shortcuts (command-F), bookmarks, managing multiple open windows, accessing online help guides, etc. 
  • Students will learn strategies for problem solving software and hardware issues and issues related to operations/maintenance, such as rebooting, choosing the correct program, locating where programs are stored (Portal), changing cables, using alternate browsers, etc. 


Students will understand how to critically leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning.

  • Students understand that they can utilize technology to learn anything anytime anywhere. 
  • Students use technology to take an active role in their learning plan. 

Category 2: Teaching


Teachers will continue to grow their practice by collaborating with and learning from colleagues, and by exploring best practices in the use of technology to improve student learning.

1. Teachers will participate in Professional Development and technology-based opportunities provided by their colleagues to explore best practices 
2. Teachers will use the district-developed Scope & Sequence to ensure that ¶¶ÒôÒõapp are acquiring technology skills 
3. Through professional development and collaboration, educators will make informed decisions about the usage of a variety of technology tools and resources, ensuring student safety and best instructional practices 
4. Teachers will use basic IT skills and troubleshooting (power, projectors, cables, etc) 


Teachers will design instructional experiences within a content area using technology that promote understanding of real-world applications, empower ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to affect authentic change, and foster differentiated instructional environments that address individual learning needs.

  • Teachers will use technology in ways that bridge real life context with content areas in relevant ways 
  • Teachers will use technology to differentiate instruction for ¶¶ÒôÒõapp 


Teachers will foster learning environments where ¶¶ÒôÒõapp engage in positive, socially responsible behavior when using technology.

  • Schools will incorporate digital citizenship skills into lessons 
  • Teachers will understand policies related to appropriate technology use for themselves and their ¶¶ÒôÒõapp (including use of cellphones in various locations on campus, classrooms, locker rooms, etc) 
  • Teachers will build capacity with classroom management techniques in using and supervising technology effectively for instruction 

Category 3: Access


Ensure student equity through coordinated support of resources and curriculum

  • The Technology Department and Ed Services will collaborate regularly to ensure alignment of educational goals and technology resources and support.
  • The district will evaluate programs and funding on an ongoing basis, to ensure that we are allocating resources in a way that enables all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to have equitable access to appropriate technology tools. 
  • Schools will have current technology devices available in the classrooms in a ratio that supports learning goals using online materials. Schools will have in-class devices available for ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to use when appropriate.
  • Technology department and site staff will maintain an accurate accounting of student devices. 
  • Technology department will work with ed services and sites to maintain an accurate accounting of software and online instructional materials licenses. 
  • The district will establish equipment standards for district-funded technology devices and communicate to schools and departments.
  • The district technology department will ensure fast, reliable network performance. 
  • The district will continue to expose ¶¶ÒôÒõapp to career technical education (CTE) pathways.


All staff will have access to technology tools and skills training necessary for their job.

  • The district will provide funding to support a 4-5 year refresh cycle for staff technology devices. 
  • The district will ensure that all staff have access to, and knowledge of how to use, a universal single sign-on service (Portal), to enable access anywhere at anytime. 
  • District will implement an “on-boarding” process for new staff to include training in relevant systems. 
  • District will provide access to online tutorials and support documentation, and a catalog of ongoing, hands-on training courses for staff. 
  • District will have appropriate level of FTEs for information systems. 
  • Staff hired for positions will have appropriate level of technology skills.


Reliable, high-speed access for mobile computing throughout the district.

  • The district will establish a plan for continuous upgrades of network infrastructure/backbone to support high-speed, high-capacity wired and wireless access. 
  • The district will continue to add wireless capacity within all learning spaces (including outdoors) as demand increases to ensure that all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp and staff have access to wireless services throughout each campus. 
  • The district will sustain network capability for the use of personal devices (BYOD access) at all facilities. 
  • The district will sustain and support increased use of web portal to ensure off-site student and staff access to resources. 


The district will continue to support home/school communication systems, which efficiently provide information to families such as student attendance, academic progress, emergency notifications, general news, etc.

  • Maintain consistency with messaging 
  • Develop a district communications master plan 
  • Develop plans for disaster recovery, emergency communications and business continuity.


The district will continue to partner with parent organizations to support collective efforts in allocating resources which build staff and student capacity, and which foster strong community.

  • Maintain communication with partner groups through meetings and committee work. 
  • Parent ed and outreach about pedagogy and student skills. 


The district will provide sufficient technical support resources to ensure high performing, reliable instructional and operational technologies, hardware, software and systems.

  • Ensure that sites have sufficient technical support to match their needs. 
  • Maintain district technology support staff.
  • The district will maintain a high performing district network with redundancy to ensure close to 100% uptime and sufficient bandwidth for all users. 
  • Ensure safe and secure networks. 
  • Content filtering
  • Virus protection
  • Intrusion protection
  • Security audits
  • Ensure student and staff data privacy and security. 

Technology Advisory Committee

Technology Committee Members 
Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Stella Kemp (EC)
Laura Finco
Melinda Daly (EC)
Technology Department
Deanne Lashin
Ken Bazan
Kelly Hilton
Peter Campopiano (SC)
Jennifer Hunau (EC)
Elementary Teachers
Paige Wells (VG) - first grade
Nicole Berglund (EC) - elementary liaison
Elementary Administration
Osi Juergens (VG) 
Ryan Maloney (BV)
Kathleen Martins
Middle School Teachers / Librarian
Lesly Phillips (CW)
Sarah Nice
Jenny Erickson
Julie Garrahan (Librarian)
Middle School Administration
Kate Bryzek she-her
High School Teachers
Stephen Farwell
Jason Intravaia
High School Administration
Bassant Abdelrahman (DH)

Technology Plan Committee (2016-17)

This District Technology Plan is intended to serve SRVUSD as a living document, which will guide our work in thoughtfully implementing instructional technology programs for the benefit of all ¶¶ÒôÒõapp. We would like to acknowledge the hard work of the committee members who were integral in helping to develop this Plan. We are proud that it truly represents the collective thinking of every member involved. We are also excited to be able to publish this Plan in a web-based format, so that it can remain as current and dynamic as the world of educational technology itself.

Thank you to our 2016-17 SRVUSD Technology Plan Committee Members:

Kristen Berg, Instructional Technology TSA

Helen Burrows, Technology Department Secretary

Debbie Butler, Computer Systems Assistant, Dougherty Valley High School

Peter Campopiano, Manager, Technical Support and Systems Administration

Karie Chamberlain, Instructional Technology TSA

Erin Cicatelli, College and Career Readiness TSA

Angie Corritone, Instructional Technology TSA

Rae Anne Crandall, Teacher, Tech Arts & Robotics, Los Cerros Middle School

Gregory Duran, Math Coordinator

Stan Hitomi, Principal, Alamo Elementary

Elizabeth Graswich, Director of Communications and Community Relations

Simi Johal, Instructional Technology TSA

Ric Johanson, Project Manager; Network and Low Voltage systems

Ann Katzburg, President, SRVEA

Laurel Krsek, Director of Technology

Shalini Kumar, Parent Representative, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Council of PTAs

Deanne Lashin, Supervisor, Technical Support

Crystal Lopez, Assistant Principal, California High School

Pulkit Mahajan, Student, Dougherty Valley High School

Mona Manghirmalani, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Systems Technician/Trainer

Kathy Moore, Curriculum Coordinator

Joe Nguyen, Principal, Iron Horse Middle School

Jeff Osborn, Assistant Principal, Windemere Ranch Middle School

Liz Pagano, Assistant Principal, Monte Vista High School

Lisa Ridener, Senior Computer Technician

Joe Romagna, Principal, John Baldwin Elementary School

Iris Tessler, Social Media Chair, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Council of PTAs

Donna Yokomizo, Board Member, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Education Foundation

Carol Zuschneid, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Systems Technician/Trainer


Resources and Supporting Docs

  1. SRVUSD Instructional Technology

  2. (CTE, Work-Based Learning)

  3. (2016-17)

  4. Data Privacy

    1. CyberSecurity in SRVUSD

    2. (U.S. Dept of Ed)

    3. (U.S. Dept of Ed)

    4. : PTAC and the Office of the Chief Privacy Officer (OCPO) announce the launch of their new website (June, 2017).

  5. Video: (Alan November, 2016)

  6. Speak Up Survey data (2016-17)

  7. SRVUSD's Digital Citizenship Portal:

  8. (matching grant for student devices - deadline June 1, 2017)

District exemplars to be added: Links to videos, photos, Dig Cit topics, projects, flex classroom setups, maker spaces, student projects, etc.