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Unified School District
Student Device Use

Student Device Use

The ¶¶ÒôÒõapp Unified School District is committed to ensuring that ¶¶ÒôÒõapp graduate prepared for a 21st century global marketplace. Today’s student’s must safely, effectively, and ethically navigate the digital world of online tools. SRVUSD has developed a that support the proper use and implementation of 1 to 1 devices in the classroom.


SRVUSD encourages the use of District Technology and the network, including but not limited to the Internet and AI, as a tool for research in support of ¶¶ÒôÒõapp' education. The District Technology issued to ¶¶ÒôÒõapp is the property of SRVUSD. The distribution of District Technology to each student is a privilege, and may be revoked or modified at any time for inappropriate conduct. District Technology and the network, like any other school property, must be used only for educational purposes for which they are intended.
Students are expected to abide by the following rules and behavioral expectations both at home and within the school when using District Technology.
  • Each year, ¶¶ÒôÒõapp review the responsible use agreements and sign them when completing the annual update:
  • Students will have access to all available forms of electronic media and communication which is in support of education and research and in support of the educational goals and objectives of SRVUSD.
  • Students are responsible for their own ethical and educational use of the SRVUSD technology resources.
  • Access to SRVUSD technology resources is a privilege. Each student will be required to follow the SRVUSD Responsible Use Agreement at all times. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
  • Transmission of any material that is in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes, but not limited to the following: confidential information, copyrighted materials, and threatening, obscene or hate speech and/or materials otherwise shared, drafted, uploaded or viewed on any platform. 
Any attempt to alter data, the configuration of District technology, or the files of another user, without the consent of the individual, site administrator, or technology administrator, will be considered an act of vandalism and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with this handbook and other applicable school/District policies including but not limited to the Responsible Use Agreement.
Equity, Deep Learning & Resources